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Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens) is a mystical tree that grows on the coast of South America and is related to Frankincense, Myrrh, and Copal. In Spanish, the name literally means “Holy Wood.” It is part of the citrus family and has sweet notes of pine, mint, and lemon.

Sustainably and ethically harvested.

Palo santo has been used for centuries to clear negative or heavy energies from spaces or individuals. It has also been used for its healing properties in shamanic ceremonies.

South American shamans believed burning Palo santo had similar properties to reset energy. It’s also thought to have the power to attract sacredness to a space.


Elevate your space and aura with this handcrafted spray offering a smokeless alternative for energy cleansing and protection. This spray helps to clear negaive energy, ground your spirit and invites in calm and balance. 



  • Cleansing & Purification
  • Protection & Grounding


Each spray bottle is 50ml and is made by Sacred Alchemy in Texas USA.

PALO SANTO Cleansing & Protection Spray

    • Sustainably Harvested 100% Palo Santo Essential Oil
    • Distilled Water
    • Organic Witch Hazel

    Each bottle is infused with a Clear Quartz Crystal to cleanse and infuse the spray with cleansing energy.

    • Shake well, spray in the corners of the room and around doorways
    • Spray lightly above your head to cleanse aura
    • Spray around crystals or jewelry to clear energy
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